Music Composition Contest Rules

Contest applicants must be enrolled as undergrad students or as graduate students at Brigham Young University in either semester of the 2024-2025 school year.

1. This contest provides a total award this year of $2,000 to the winners. Depending on the quality of the musical compositions, the judges may divide the $2,000 among multiple winners or give the total amount to the first place winner.

2. The composition may be written for any combination of instruments, voices, or electronics. The composition should be a minimum of five minutes in length.

3. All scores should be computer engraved or photocopied. Plan to submit digital copies of the score for entries as a single .pdf file. Be sure to include a description of the piece (program note) in the score. Audio recordings or realizations of pieces may be submitted as well as .mp3 files. In the case of electronic works or instrumental/vocal works including electronics, composers should submit the electronic component as an .mp3 file, or be sure to submit a performance or digital realization that includes the electronic part. Composers submitting electronic works without a score are welcome to submit a “description” page (as a .pdf). All submitted files should include your Student ID number and pseudonym.

4. Compositions written before January 1, 2024 are not eligible.

5. The Mayhew Music Composition Contest Chairman (see below) will appoint a judging committee drawn from the faculty of the BYU School of Music.

6. All entries are to be submitted between January 6th and February 21st, 2025 by 5:00 p.m., and the winners will be announced later in the semester. Entries should be submitted electronically through the Mayhew website.

7. Each student submitting an entry will fill out a cover sheet (downloaded below) giving name, address, and telephone number and certifying (a) that he or she is eligible by proper enrollment at BYU to enter the contest, and (b) that the entry submitted is the student’s own creative work. The student’s real name will appear only on the downloadable cover sheet. The work itself and name of submitted files of the work should only contain the pseudonym and your student ID number.

Important note: In addition to the specific rules above for the Music Composition Contest, see the “General Regulations” giving information on all Mayhew Student Creative Contests. Both the general regulations and the specific rules for each contest should be followed by every student who enters one or more of the contests.

All submissions require the cover sheet which can be downloaded and then filled out (or printed and filled out physically) and then scanned and emailed in with the other submission materials.

Contest Contact Information

Christian Asplund, Music Composition Contest Chairman

Office: MB (Music Building) 3209

Music Composition Cover Sheet

Music Composition Cover Sheet (found below)